Drink More Water: 9 Easy Family Hydration Hacks

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We all know how important water is for maintaining good health, yet getting your family – especially children – to drink more water can be a challenge! 

However with a little creativity and these 9 practical tips, you can make water more appealing and turn hydration into a fun, everyday habit!

1. Infuse With Flavour

Plain water can be, well, plain! While spring water is naturally delicious, you can make it even more enticing by infusing it with natural flavours.

Kids drink more water with lime flavour

Spice it up by infusing it with natural flavours such as slices of fruits like lemon, lime or strawberries. 

Herbs like mint or basil can also add a refreshing twist or let your kids choose their favourite combinations to create their custom water cocktail!

Adding flavour not only makes the water taste great but it also adds a colourful and fun visual element that can make the experience more engaging.

2. Make It Fun With Gadgets

Kids love gadgets, so why not use that to encourage them to drink more water? Invest in fun, colourful water bottles with their favourite characters or designs and there are even bottles with built-in fruit infusers and those that light up as a reminder to drink. 

Some bottles now track how much water has been consumed throughout the day, turning hydration into a game where kids can see their progress and strive to meet their daily goals.

3. Set a Good Example

Children often mimic their parents’ habits so make sure youโ€™re drinking plenty of water throughout the day and reaching for your water bottle more than your coffee cup!

When your kids see you prioritising hydration, theyโ€™re more likely to follow suit so make it a family affair and reinforce the habit through shared activities.

Family drinking water with thumbs up

4. Create a Routine

Incorporate water drinking into your familyโ€™s daily routine such as make it a habit to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning, with each meal and before bed. Regularity helps turn drinking water into a natural, expected part of the day. 

You can even create a daily hydration schedule and place it on the refrigerator as a reminder for everyone!

5. Reward Systems

Implement a reward system to encourage water intake by creating a chart and giving stickers for each glass of water consumed. After reaching a certain number of stickers, reward your kids with a small treat or privilege. 

Positive reinforcement can be a powerful motivator so while for younger kids, colourful stickers and fun graphics might be enough, for older kids, a point system that leads to a desired reward like a trip to the movies or extra screen time could be a better approach.

6. Educate on The Benefits

Educate your family, especially kids, about the importance of staying hydrated by explaining how water helps their body function better, keeps their skin looking great and boosts their energy levels. 

Understanding the โ€œwhyโ€ behind the habit can often inspire more consistent behaviour – for example, explain how water is like fuel for their “engine” or how it helps them grow strong and stay sharp.

7. Set Hydration Reminders

Young girl drinking a glass of water

Set reminders to drink water throughout the day such as a kitchen timer, an alarm on your phone or an app designed to remind you to hydrate. These nudges can help keep water intake on track, especially during busy days. 

Make it a family habit to pause and drink water together when the reminders go off, reinforcing the behaviour through consistency.

8. Incorporate Water-Rich Foods

Encourage your family to eat more water-rich foods such as cucumbers, oranges, strawberries, watermelon, and lettuce.

These foods can contribute to overall hydration while adding variety to their diet.

9. Create a Hydration Station

Setting up a designated area in your home where spring water is easily accessible is a great way to encourage family members to drink more water and the range of water dispenser options we have here at Pacific Springs are designed to suit any home.

Ready to Create Your Hydration Station? 

Encouraging your family to drink more water doesnโ€™t have to be a chore and by offering spring water at the touch of a button plus a bit of creativity and consistency, you can make hydration a fun and enjoyable part of your familyโ€™s routine! 

Get in touch and let us help you get started! 



