Category: Drinking Water

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  • Hydrate Like a Boss: Delicious Spring Water Recipes

    Hydrate Like a Boss: Delicious Spring Water Recipes

    We all know how vital hydration is for our health and well-being, but let’s face it, plain water can sometimes feel a little bit uninspiring! After all, when you’re reaching for your eighth glass of the day, you might just find yourself craving something a little more exciting to enhance your hydration experience. That’s where…

  • How Proper Summer Hydration Boosts Your Productivity

    How Proper Summer Hydration Boosts Your Productivity

    As temperatures start to rise, staying well-hydrated becomes more crucial than ever as we juggle work, family, social engagements and the general busyness of the holiday season! Explore how you can beat the summer heat and supercharge your productivity by embracing the power of proper summer hydration to enhance your performance and well-being during the…

  • “You Must Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day” and Other Hydration Myths

    “You Must Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day” and Other Hydration Myths

    We love everything about water here at Pacific Springs and we love finding out facts about how much we should drink each day and how great a job it does in helping us to stat healthy and refreshed. However, in a world filled with so much ‘advice’ about our water consumption, it’s time to separate…

  • The Science Of Natural Spring Water: Exploring Its Amazing Properties

    The Science Of Natural Spring Water: Exploring Its Amazing Properties

    Natural spring water possesses a wealth of minerals that are beneficial to the human body, particularly when considering our bodies are composed of nearly two-thirds water!  The origins of spring water trace back to ancient times and its inherent mineral content offers unparalleled health benefits and its natural mineral composition stands apart from alternatives such…

  • Quenching Your Mind: How Drinking Water Benefits Your Mental Health and Wellness

    Quenching Your Mind: How Drinking Water Benefits Your Mental Health and Wellness

    Most of us are aware of how important drinking water is for our physical health – especially when it comes to exercise and recovery but did you know it is also super important for our mental health? Even a slight dip in our body’s water levels can lead to fatigue, irritability and impaired cognitive function.…

  • The Benefits of Spring Water for Exercise and Recovery

    The Benefits of Spring Water for Exercise and Recovery

    We all know that water is essential for the human body for a wide range of reasons but staying hydrated is particularly important for those of us who exercise a lot. Exercise causes the body to lose more water than usual so it’s important to replace the fluids that are lost. But do you know all…

  • You Are What You Drink… Why You Should Choose The Best Quality Drinking Water For Your Body

    You Are What You Drink… Why You Should Choose The Best Quality Drinking Water For Your Body

    Did you know that water makes up about 70% of our bodies? And some body parts are made up of a lot more than that – for example our brain and kidneys are 80-85% made up of water! Keeping hydrated is a key part of maintaining good health but not all water is created equal…

  • 7 Easy Tips for Drinking More Water in Summer

    7 Easy Tips for Drinking More Water in Summer

    We all know we should be drinking more water in summer. When the weather starts to heat up, most of us feel a natural need to drink more water to quench our thirst. We also know that drinking water prevents dehydration and to keeps our body functioning correctly. No matter whether it’s hot or cold outside,…

  • What is The Difference Between Filtered and Spring Water?

    What is The Difference Between Filtered and Spring Water?

    We’re all inundated with drinking water choices these days from spring water to tap water, filtered water to bottled water. The list is endless and that’s before we even consider the ‘flavoured’ water options out there! It can be difficult to decide what is the right choice for your home or workplace and one of…

  • Why Choose Pure Spring Water Instead of Tap Water?

    Why Choose Pure Spring Water Instead of Tap Water?

    Do you know about the health benefits of drinking pure spring water? Rich in more beneficial minerals than tap water, it helps cleanse toxins from the body and supports organs to do their job effectively. As one of our oldest sources of drinking water, read on to explore the health benefits of spring water and…