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It’s impossible to deny that we have some of the cleanest tap water in the world here in Australia. Compared to many countries where drinking water straight from your kitchen tap would pose a health hazard, we Australians are some of the lucky few who have a constant supply of drinkable water at the turn of a tap.
However, even though the tap water in Australia is safe to drink, there are a few factors that can impact on its quality and supply from time to time…
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Drought can not only have an impact on supply but also the quality of tap water. In prolonged dry periods, we are often subject to water restrictions and although drinking water is seldom part of these restrictions, we are encouraged to use our tap water wisely during these times. Moreover, in times of drought, quality implications can include a lack of water clarity, changes to taste and odour as well as pathogen concerns.
Flooding in Australia has become increasingly common recently, with 4 being recorded in the first half of this year alone. When flooding occurs, pollutants such as waste and oil can enter the water supply, making it unfit for human consumption. Moreover, water treatment plants can be inundated by the extra water volumes and potential contaminants which can in turn enter the water supply.
Bushfires are common in parts of Australia and can have an impact on our water supply. Not only can they disrupt supply, damage water catchments and cause contamination in the short term, longer term supply and quality can also be affected due to drinking water catchments often being situated in the forested areas impacted by bushfires.
Water pollution can occur in a range of ways and impact water catchments. Household liquids such as oils, paint and solvents can enter our water systems and waterways and run-off from agricultural and industrial sources can also enter our waterways and impact water quality.
Reliable Supply of Quality Water Each and Every Time You Need It
Here at Pacific Springs, we provide a reliable and safe alternative to tap water with regular deliveries directly to your home or workplace. Our spring water requires only minimal filtration to remove impurities which doesn’t strip the water of its mineral content like other processes can. Get in touch to find out more about our range of spring water dispensers.